Thursday, June 5, 2008

No Need To Increase Oil Prices. Why?


After deliberation, our group's leader would like to convey the following:

1. The Government should not increase the oil prices at all. The rise in the world crude oil prices has only been used as an excuse. Look at Brunei. No oil price increase.

2. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has fallen into the trap of Dr Mahathir. Dr Mahathir has framed Abdullah through Dr Mahathir's cohorts into believing that the PETRONAS profits cannot cover the existing subsidies.

3. Dr Mahathir and his cohorts in PETRONAS are swindling the oil profits in PETRONAS for their own greedy bellies. The crude oil in Malaysia is of a high quality grade oil. PETRONAS degrades it to a lower quality grade oil and then sells it. So, the profits are less. That's what we see in the formal reports. What we don't see is the other part of this downgrade process is being siphoned off from PETRONAS profits by Dr Mahathir and his cohorts, whether in PETRONAS or outside PETRONAS. Nor Mohamed Yakcop knows about this scam and he is keeping quiet about it.

4. Malaysia's oil reserves will still exist way after year 2013.

5. As a preventive measure, in case the oil reserves start to dwindle long after that, we are able to restore them as what we have done for Brunei's oil reserves. This is our track record.

6. The world crude oil prices will decrease soon.

7. Dr Mahathir is a very evil and greedy man. He has been attacking Abdullah relentlessly. He will not stop until he succeeds. He has tried many ways but could not topple Abdullah. He is now using the oil price strategy to make the members of UMNO and the citizens of Malaysia hate Abdullah for making the lives of people miserable. In actual fact, the members of UMNO love Abdullah and so Dr Mahathir is disgusted with this.

End Statement.

1. Simple logic will tell us that even if the world crude oil prices reach USD200 per barrel, the oil subsidies in Malaysia should not be increased. Why? This is because the higher the crude oil prices, the higher will be the PETRONAS profits. Therefore, more subsidies can be given to maintain the oil prices. The Government is just giving excuses that because the world crude oil prices have soared, they must increase petrol prices so that the Government will not suffer in giving higher subsidies. Brunei can maintain their oil prices. Why can't Malaysia?

2. Dr Mahathir schemed the whole plan to frame Abdullah in this oil price issue. Abdullah, who is a straight and righteous man, has fallen into Dr Mahathir's trap. Abdullah should be very wary and on his toes from now on so that he shall not fall into any of Dr Mahathir's traps again in future. He should consult the people who know the reality of issues.

3. The professionals amongst the Chinese community know well about this PETRONAS oil scam, especially in Penang. We are putting Nor Mohamed Yakcop, all corrupted PETRONAS employees involved in this scam and all people involved in this scam in our C-List, especially Dr Mahathir and his cohorts.

We recommend the Government to investigate and overhaul PETRONAS of all corrupted people involved in this oil scam. Take out Dr Mahathir from being PETRONAS's adviser. Taking him out from PROTON as adviser would also be a wise decision, given his black record.

4. As we have said earlier, our group leader is blessed with ordained foresight ('kashaf'). Like he saw the coming of the Nias & Pakistan earthquakes and other earthquakes around the world, he can also see that the oil reserves in Malaysia will still be sufficient way after year 2013. So, the PETRONAS oil exploration team must start to do a better job now. Do not despair the people.

5. The Sultan of Brunei is ranked as a grandson to our group leader. Previously, he had asked our group leader to resolve the 'oil wells start to dry up' issue in Brunei. The resolution was successful.

6. As in the same line of reasoning in step 4, the world crude oil prices will come down again. How fast? We leave it to the people to witness it. So, we recommend the Government to revert to the previous subsidy structure soonest.

7. Because Dr Mahathir is an evil and a greedy man, because he is relentlessly attacking and framing Abdullah and because of him that the citizens of Malaysia will start to suffer and be miserable due to the increase in oil and food prices, we will start our final actions against him until he perish from the face of this Earth with immediate effect. Period.

Best Regards.........