After reviving, upholding and safeguarding ‘At-tauhid’ as our very strong foundation, we can now embark on a long continuous journey that have been laid down by the Messengers of Allah s.w.t. especially our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w. to become the best ‘Ummah’ for mankind.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.”
[Chapter Ali Imran: Verse 110]
‘Risalah Tauhid’ – The Message Of The Prophets a.s.
The Holy Quran narrates that all Prophets a.s. delivered the ‘Risalah Tauhid’ (Message Of The Oneness Of Allah s.w.t.) to their respective nations. Allah s.w.t. narrates their struggle to us from Prophet Noah a.s. to Prophet Moses a.s.
Regarding Prophet Noah a.s., Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“We sent Noah to his people. He said: "O my people! worship Allah! ye have no other God but Him. I fear for you the punishment of a dreadful day!”
[Chapter Al-A’raaf: Verse 59]
To the ‘Aad’ nation, the dwellers of ‘Ahqaf’, Allah s.w.t. has delegated Prophet Hud a.s.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“To the 'Ad people, (We sent) Hud, one of their (own) brethren: He said: ‘O my people! worship Allah! ye have no other god but Him will ye not fear (Allah)?’”
[Chapter Al-A’raaf: Verse 65]
“To the 'Ad People (We sent) Hud, one of their own brethren. He said: ‘O my people! worship Allah! ye have no other god but Him. (Your other gods) ye do nothing but invent!’”
[Chapter Hud: Verse 50]
Allah s.w.t. has delegated Prophet Saleh a.s. to the 'Thamud' nation who settled at ‘Hijr’.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“To the Thamud people (We sent) Salih, one of their own brethren: He said: ‘O my people! worship Allah: ye have no other god but Him. Now hath come unto you a clear (Sign) from your Lord! This she-camel of Allah is a Sign unto you: So leave her to graze in Allah's earth, and let her come to no harm, or ye shall be seized with a grievous punishment.’”
[Chapter Al-A’raaf: Verse 73]
'Madyan' was situated south-west of 'Hijaz' and south of Palestine. Allah s.w.t. also has sent Prophet Moses a.s. to the Pharaoh.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“To the Madyan people We sent Shu'aib, one of their own brethren: he said: ‘O my people! worship Allah; Ye have no other god but Him. Now hath come unto you a clear (Sign) from your Lord! Give just measure and weight, nor withhold from the people the things that are their due; and do no mischief on the earth after it has been set in order: that will be best for you, if ye have Faith.’”
[Chapter Al-A’raaf: Verse 85]
“Moses said: "O Pharaoh! I am a messenger from the Lord of the worlds,-”
[Chapter Al-A’raaf: Verse 104]
“For We assuredly sent amongst every People a Messenger, (with the Command), ‘Serve Allah, and eschew Evil’: of the People were some whom Allah guided, and some on whom error became inevitably (established). So travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who denied (the Truth).”
[Chapter Al-Nahl: Verse 36]
All the Prophets a.s. have been delegated by Allah s.w.t. to convey the ‘Risalah Tauhid’ to all mankind when they were in their ‘Jahiliyyah’ (Ignorance) state. This ‘Risalah’ contains three matters as follows:
1. Believe in the Oneness of Allah s.w.t.
2. Believe in the Messengers a.s. and the message that they brought
3. Believe in the Judgment in the Hereafter
When these three matters were transgressed with the darkness of ‘Jahiliyyah’, the societies headed towards decay and destruction. Even though there were many Prophets a.s. who were delegated by Allah s.w.t. to mankind, the messages that they brought focused on one central theme i.e. the Oneness of Allah s.w.t., living a complete life based on the laws of Islam and the believe in the life in the Hereafter.
‘Ummah’ – Helpers Of The Messengers a.s. In ‘Da’wah’ (Propagation Of Islam)
From the evidences mentioned above, it is clear to us that the Messengers a.s. were delegated to ‘Da’wah’ i.e. to call upon mankind to submit totally to the Oneness of Allah s.w.t. Every Messenger a.s. without exception was delegated to call upon his respective ‘Ummah’ to believe in Allah s.w.t. and make ‘Ibadah’ (worship) to Him as laid out in the laws that the Messengers a.s. brought with them.
Despite the defiance and obstructions against the ‘Risalah’ from their ‘Ummah’, as is the characteristic of this struggle, they were also not quiescent from the help and support of a number of individuals from amongst their clans.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“Of the people of Moses there is a section who guide and do justice in the light of truth.”
[Chapter Al-A’raaf: Verse 159]
Prophet Jesus a.s. also received help and support from his clan, the ‘Bani Isra’il’.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“O ye who believe! Be ye helpers of Allah: As said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples, ‘Who will be my helpers to (the work of) Allah?’ Said the disciples, ‘We are Allah's helpers!’ then a portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a portion disbelieved: But We gave power to those who believed, against their enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed.”
[Chapter As-Saff: Verse 14]
And that is the same in Rasulullah s.a.w.’s struggle where we see that His Companions r.a. became His helpers in propagating this ‘Risalah’.
Generally, in the propagation of ‘Risalah Da’wah’, this responsibility is also put on the shoulders of the ‘Ummah’ without any exception. Allah s.w.t. has bestowed this honor to the Islamic ‘Ummah’ and His Messenger Rasulullah s.a.w. to carry out this ‘Da’wah’ task.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.”
[Chapter Ali Imran: Verse 110]
The goodness of this ‘Ummah’ is that they enjoin to do good and forbid to do evil. This task was the task of Rasulullah s.a.w. and was also the tasks of all Prophets a.s. before Him. The work of enjoining good and forbidding evil also includes all efforts to scrape off ‘Shirk’ in all its manifestations.
‘Da’wah’ – The Duty Of Every Muslim
The Islamic ‘Ummah’ is the proponent of this responsibility to carry on the ‘Risalah Al-Islam’ (The Message of Islam) with ‘Da’wah’ to other nations, be it as an ‘Ummah’ or as an individual wherever they are according to their capabilities. ‘Da’wah’ in the sense of ‘Amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar’ is the sole condition for the completeness and safeness of societal life.
In fact, the Holy Quran affirms that performing ‘Da’wah’ is a characteristic of the believers, whereas the hypocrites always take efforts to obstruct the religion of Allah s.w.t. and to call towards other than the path of Allah s.w.t.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“Allah hath promised the Hypocrites men and women, and the rejecters, of Faith, the fire of Hell: Therein shall they dwell: Sufficient is it for them: for them is the curse of Allah, and an enduring punishment,-”
[Chapter At-Taubah: Verse 67]
“Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allah: that is the supreme felicity.”
[Chapter At-Taubah: Verse 71]
It is clear that the task of ‘Da’wah’ has made ‘Amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar’ as an arbiter to differentiate between the believers and the hypocrites. The believers always call upon to do good deeds and forbid to do evil deeds and the climax is to call upon mankind to the path of Allah s.w.t.’s religion.
It is also clear that the task of ‘Da’wah’ is put upon the shoulders of every Muslim men and women, whether he or she is an ‘Ulama’ or not. Only that the ‘Ulama’ are stressed to deliver the ‘Risalah Al-Islam’ in more detail.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“To every People have We appointed rites and ceremonies which they must follow: let them not then dispute with thee on the matter, but do thou invite (them) to thy Lord: for thou art assuredly on the Right Way.”
[Chapter AL-Haj: Verse 67]
“Say thou: ‘This is my way: I do invite unto Allah,- on evidence clear as the seeing with one's eyes,- I and whoever follows me. Glory to Allah! and never will I join gods with Allah!’”
[Chapter Yusuf: Verse 108]
‘To follow the Rasulullah s.a.w.’ means to believe in him and to call upon others to his religion based on knowledge and truth.
Islam is a religion for all mankind and the Islamic ‘Ummah’ is the proponent of this ‘Amanah’ (responsibility) to perform ‘Da’wah’. This ‘Amanah’ is the responsibility that Allah s.w.t. has delivered to the Muslims through Rasulullah s.a.w. when He performed the last or farewell ‘Haj’ (Pilgrimage) known as ‘Hajjatul Wida’. Rasulullah s.a.w. has delivered his last message to the whole of the Muslim ‘Ummah’.
After delivering his address on the obligations, rights and tasks of the individual and society while advising the ‘Ummah’ to be cautious towards the temptations and persuasions of Satan (and Devils in the form of human beings) and hold steadfastly to the Holy Quran and His Sunnah, Rasulullah s.a.w. then said at last which means:
“Let the ones that have witnessed amongst you convey to the ones that are not present. May whosoever that conveys be better in observing it than the ones that hear it.”
‘The ones that have witnessed’ also includes all Muslims who have knowledge of the religion of Islam.
It is as if Rasulullah s.a.w. has given us the responsibility regarding Allah s.w.t.’s command to Rasulullah s.a.w. which he had received since the beginning of the ‘Risalah’.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“O Messenger! proclaim the (message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not, thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His mission. And Allah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief). For Allah guideth not those who reject Faith.”
[Chapter Al-Maidah: Verse 67]
According to ‘Fiqh’ (Islamic Jurisprudence) Methodology, a command and call from Allah s.w.t. to Rasulullah s.a.w. is also a command and call to the whole of the Islamic ‘Ummah’ except for what Allah s.w.t. Has specified for Rasulullah s.a.w. only.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.”
[Chapter Ali Imran: 104]
Regarding the above verse, Ibn Kathir said: "What is meant regarding the above verse is that there shall be a group amongst this 'Ummah' that works towards undertaking this task, even though it is the obligation of everybody in this 'Ummah'."
Rasulullah s.a.w. has said which means:
"Whosoever amongst you sees a bad deed let he/she correct it with his/her hands (power or capability) and when he/she is not able to then correct it with his/her tongue and when he/she is not able to then correct it with his/her heart and that is the weakest state of his/her 'Iman'."
Also, Rasulullah s.a.w. has said which means:
"Convey whatever you have received from me even it is only one sentence."
Rasulullah s.a.w. further said which means:
"Whosoever hides a knowledge whereas with that knowledge Allah s.w.t. gives benefits to mankind in matters of religion, then in the Hereafter he/she will be strapped by Allah s.w.t. with a strap from Hell."
From the verses of the Holy Quran and the Hadith of Rasulullah s.a.w. put forward above, it is clear to us that the task of 'Da'wah' in the general point of view lies on the shoulders of everybody in this 'Ummah'. Every human being that testifies that he/she is the 'Ummah' of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. has himself/herself to carry the task of 'Amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar' that has been entrusted upon him/her.
Vagueness And Defiance Towards The Obligation Of 'Da'wah'
Even though proofs from the Holy Quran and the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. were presented regarding the obligation of every Muslim to perform 'Da'wah' according to one's capabilities, still there are human beings that are doubtful towards this obligation and quibble using the verses from the Holy Quran and the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. in their arguments. So, since it is important that every Muslim assuredly believe and really understand regarding this task of performing 'Da'wah', we have no choice but to clarify all the misunderstandings and vagueness regarding this task, ‘InshaAllah’.
1. A part of this 'Ummah' thinks that this 'Da'wah' task is not obligatory upon them since it is 'Fardhu Kifayah' (Group Obligation) upon the 'Ulama' only based on the Holy Quran which means:
“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.”
[Chapter Ali Imran: Verse 104]
The answer to this question has been presented before this from Tafsir Ibn Kathir. Imam Ar-Razi r.a. clarified that the phrase 'Mingkum' in the above verse does not mean 'a part of' based on two arguments:
1.1 Allah s.w.t. obligates 'Amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar' upon the whole 'Ummah' based on the Holy Quran in Chapter Ali Imran: Verse 110.
1.2 It is not burdened as an exception for doing 'Amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar' be it with his/her hands, tongue or heart, to every Muslim so that he/she can take efforts to ward off harm upon themselves.
So, when this has been understood, we can say that the meaning of the above verse (Chapter Ali Imran: Verse 110) is that we are an 'Ummah' who calls upon goodness, enjoins to do good deeds and forbids to do bad deeds.
2. Regarding the opinion that this 'Da'wah' task is only for the 'Ulama', we need to state here that the meaning of the word 'Ulama' should not be misunderstood. According to the Consensus of the Islamic Jurists, it is without doubt that knowledge is one of the pre-requisites of 'Da'wah'. Besides, the unity of knowledge does not mean that it cannot be compartmentalized. An individual may be an 'Ulama' in a certain field of knowledge because with what he/she knows that can satisfy the obligation of 'Da'wah'. At the same time, this individual may not be knowledgeable in other fields of knowledge. So, this individual will not be obligated to 'Da'wah' on what he/she does not know.
3. The question of whether 'Da'wah' is 'Fardhu 'Ain' (Individual Obligation) or 'Fardhu Kifaayah' (Group Obligation) should not arise among the Islamic 'Ummah' when it is being plagued with 'Jahiliyyah' (Ignorance). Clearly, as long as the goals of ‘Da’wah’ are not met completely, it is a must for every Muslim to carry out this task. As long as mankind does not submit to the will of Allah s.w.t. totally in all its manifestations, then it is a must for every Muslim to continue with this task of ‘Da’wah’.
4. A certain group of people quibble using this verse from the Holy Quran which means:
“O ye who believe! Guard your own souls: If ye follow (right) guidance, no hurt can come to you from those who stray. the goal of you all is to Allah: it is He that will show you the truth of all that ye do.”
[Chapter Al-Maidah: Verse 105]
This verse is being used as equivocate of not carrying out ‘Da’wah’ since they say that they have believed and got guidance. This presupposition was objected by Sayyidina Abu Bakr r.a. is one of his speeches which means:
“Oh Mankind! You read this Glorious verse but you have put it not at the correct place. Then he recited the above verse. Verily I have heard that Rasulullah s.a.w. has said: ‘When human beings see that people are transgressing and do not oppose them, then the punishment of Allah s.w.t. has almost engulfed them’.”
The above verse strengthens the obligation of ‘Da’wah’ on every Muslim even more and removes any doubts that have been presented by those who do not wish to perform ‘Da’wah’.
5. Another group of people still presented reasons that when bad deeds are rampant on this earth, it is futile to perform ‘Da’wah’. It is enough for a Muslim to just safeguard himself/herself and neglect other people. The answer to this issue is also the same as what we have presented earlier that the obligation of ‘Da’wah’ must be carried out irrespective of whether it is being accepted or not.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“And fear tumult or oppression, which affecteth not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong: and know that Allah is strict in punishment.”
[Chapter Al-Anfal: Verse 25]
“Zainab Binti Jahsh asked Rasulullah s.a.w.: ‘Oh Rasulullah! Are we also destroyed whereas there are still good people amongst us’. Rasulullah s.a.w. replied: ‘Yes, when there is widespread evil.’”
In Chapter Al-A’raaf, Allah s.w.t has narrated in great length how He has cursed and punished the ‘Bani Isra’il’ whence they did not carry out this task of ‘Da’wah’.
When Prophet Moses a.s. went to Mount ‘Sinai’ for 40 days and 40 nights, those from ‘Bani Isra’il’ made a golden cow as their worship. (Chapter Taha: Verse 87-89)
Allah s.w.t. gave a warning to them and shook them with an earthquake. (Chaper Al-A’raaf: Verse 148)
Allah s.w.t. gave them forgiveness, clouds to protect them in their journey and food from ‘Manna’ (a type of honey) and ‘Salwa’ (a type of small bird). Then, when they found a city, Allah s.w.t. commanded them to enter it with humility and seek forgiveness from Allah s.w.t. However, they denied all that and Allah s.w.t. punished them for their deeds. (Chapter Al-A’raaf: Verse 155 & 160)
Then, they were tested with the Saturday, that is they were prevented from fishing on that day and were allowed on other days. With the power of Allah s.w.t., fish was abundant on other days except Saturday. Because of their obstinacy, they proceeded to fish on that day. As a consequence of their act, Allah s.w.t. punished them with a severe punishment and turned them into humiliating monkeys. (Chapter Al-A’raaf: Verse 165-166)
The incident on this Saturday has given us a lesson on the classifications of society:
5.1 People who openly disobey the prohibitions of Allah s.w.t.
5.2 People who did not disobey but also did not prohibit
5.3 People who prohibit the transgression because of carrying out ‘Amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar’
For the third group of people, at least when they are questioned by Allah s.w.t., they can answer that they have tried to rectify the situation and prohibited the actions of the first group of people. When the punishment of Allah s.w.t. befell them, only the third group were saved from it. The first group received a severe punishment while the second group was turned into humiliating monkeys.
With the above arguments, it is clear and firm to us that the task of ‘Da’wah’ is the obligation of every Muslim.
Goal Of ‘Da’wah’ – ‘Tajdid Islami’ (Islamic Revivalism)
The goal of ‘Da’wah’ is to proof one’s faith in accepting Islam itself. Carrying out this responsibility that has been on the shoulders of every Muslim is the distinction between ‘Iman’ and Hypocrisy.
‘Da’wah’ aims at upholding the laws of Allah s.w.t. winning them over any form of system and civilization that are in contradiction with ‘Ubudiatillahi wahdah’ (Worshipping Allah – The One Only).
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, that he may proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it).”
[Chapter As-Saf: Verse 9]
The struggle to uphold Islam in its pure state as the true religion and to rebuild the individual and societal lives in line with the Islamic values is called ‘Tajdid’. It is the heritage and continuation of the responsibilities of all the Prophets a.s. This responsibility has been inherited to the Muslim ‘Ummah’ as a consequence of their ‘Iman’ (Belief) in Allah s.w.t. Allah s.w.t. has guaranteed that at any time there will be a group among the ‘Ummah’ who will rise and safeguard the purity of the Islamic teachings.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).”
[Chapter Al-Hijr: Verse 9]
Rasulullah s.a.w. said in a Hadith from Abu Hurairah which means:
“Allah will bring forth at the end of every century people amongst this nation that will revive this religion again.”
The Prophet s.a.w. also said in a Hadith from Mu’awiyah which means:
“There will always be amongst my nation a group of people who will uphold the religion of Allah. They do not care of people who deride or averse them until comes the decision of Allah (Doomsday) and they remain steadfast as that.”
From the above Hadiths, it is clear to us that the struggle to uphold the laws of Allah s.w.t. on this earth is always there and this effort is only done by individuals of this ‘Ummah’ who are conscious of the assertion of Allah s.w.t.’s trust, remember and hold to the agreement that they have made with Allah s.w.t. before.
‘Ummatan Wasatan’ (Justly Balanced Nation) – Before And Now
History has shown us that the Muslim ‘Ummah’ has once led and guided the whole of mankind. They have successfully upheld and nurtured the way of life of the complete submission to Allah s.w.t. only and they stayed for quite some time to be the chosen, moderate and just nation who bore witness to the whole of mankind as Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“Thus, have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (From the Faith). Indeed it was (A change) momentous, except to those guided by Allah. And never would Allah Make your faith of no effect. For Allah isto all people Most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful.”
[Chapter Al-Baqarah: Verse 143]
Islam as a ‘Shamil’ (complete) religion has been embraced and protected with great passion by the Companions r.a. during the era of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and during the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs r.a.
During the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs r.a., they have been characterized and functioned as the sustaining flame of ‘Risalah Tauhid’. The Companions r.a. invited the empires of Rome and Persia to embrace and commit Islam in that era and mankind did not hesitate to crawl out from the darkness of ‘Jahiliyyah’ to the light of Islam.
During this glorious era of the Muslim ‘Ummah’, it is the trust and responsibility of them to guide mankind towards the right path, scrape and discard incompleteness and weaknesses in human society, save the oppressed and then on uphold justice and peace on this earth.
After this era, the Muslim ‘Ummah’ showed signs of decadence and downfall in sustaining the solidarity and purity of Islam. The Muslims during the rule of the ‘Umayyah’ and ‘Abasiyyah’ Caliphates could not follow in the footsteps of the ‘Salafus salih’ (Pious Predecessors) r.a. in the struggle to sustain the purity of this religion. The Caliphs at that era, except Caliph ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz r.a., have failed to lead the nation with the rule that is acceptable to Islam.
At last, the ‘Khalifah’ (Vicegerent or Head Of Islam) who was the pillar of the Muslim Governance perished from the face of this earth after the fall of the ‘Uthmaniyyah’ Caliphate. Since then, the Muslim ‘Ummah’ has been relentlessly faced with attacks on ‘Aqidah’ (faith), idealogy, culture and military that put the Muslims in a grave situation. It is hard to deny that there exists a serious ‘Riddah’ (apostasy) phenomenon, more serious than the ‘Riddah’ phenomenon experienced in the era of Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq r.a. even though it cannot be ascertained or would not ascertain who are the ‘Musailamatul Kazzab’ (a hypocrite during the Prophet s.a.w.’s time) in this modern era. This phenomenon can be clearly seen in the actions of governments, parties, associations, institutions, philosophies, newspapers, magazines, speeches, writings, etc. to the extent it is felt that this matter could not be faced.
That is the distinction between the Muslims in the predecessor era and now. There is no more ‘Ummatan Wasatan’ – Justly Balanced ‘Ummah’ in the hearts of the Muslims now because they are still sleeping. It has been in nature that a sleeping ‘Ummah’ will wake up again and the oppressed will no longer be oppressed forever.
Seen from the historical perspective, Islam has given birth to many Muslim ‘Ummah’ and groups that struggle and ‘Jihad’ (strive in the path of Allah s.w.t.) to purify the ‘Aqidah’ of the ‘Ummah’ and go against the power of ‘Thagut’ (Transgression). They are known as the ‘Mujaddid’ (Revivalists) of Islam. Amongst them are Caliph ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz r.a., the four Great Imams (Abu Hanifah, Malik, As-Shafie, Hanbali r.a.), Al-Ghazzali r.a. and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani r.a. History also recorded groups like the Wahabbi in Arabia are also involved in this revivalist work.
Note: The Wahhabi group in Arabia are the families of Rasulullah s.a.w. and so is the Great Islamic Scholar and Saint from Singapore by the name of Sayyid Habib Noh r.a. We notice that the Wahhabi group in Singapore is not following the true teachings of the the original Wahhabi group in Arabia since one of their deviations is that they forbid people from visiting the mausoleum of Sayyid Habib Noh r.a. in Singapore.
The Characteristics Of ‘Tajdid Islami’
1. ‘Rabbaniyyah’ (Holistic)
It is clear to us that ‘Tajdid Islami’ is not a new matter. It is the way of Allah s.w.t. and that is defined by Allah s.w.t. and it will definitely happen. The same is true for the path leading to ‘Tajdid Islami’ which must follow on the tracks that have been laid out by Allah s.w.t. This is the Divine Path.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“Verily, this is My way, leading straight: follow it: follow not (other) paths: they will scatter you about from His (great) path: thus doth He command you. that ye may be righteous.”
[Chapter Al-An’am: Verse 153]
“O David! We did indeed make thee a vicegerent on earth: so judge thou between men in truth (and justice): Nor follow thou the lusts (of thy heart), for they will mislead thee from the Path of Allah: for those who wander astray from the Path of Allah, is a Penalty Grievous, for that they forget the Day of Account.”
[Chapter Sad: Verse 26]
“Then We put thee on the (right) Way of Religion: so follow thou that (Way), and follow not the desires of those who know not.”
[Chapter Al-Jaathiyah: Verse 18]
Therefore, every deed, program, etc. must be based on the principles contained in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w. which are the ultimate truth that forms the rules and laws as required by Allah s.w.t.
Ash-Shahid Sayyid Qutb r.a. clarified:
“Islam and the methods of ‘Tajdid Islami’ are both the same in importance. There is no difference between them. Other methods however appealing they may be cannot bring to the establishment of Islam………So, it is very important we follow this path that has already been defined towards the establishment of Islam, the same method that we have followed in living with it and believing in the pillars of ‘Iman’ in it.”
2. ‘Shumuliyyah’ (Comprehensiveness)
Islam needs to be revived in a comprehensive manner. We have to establish Islam from the aspects of ‘Aqidah’, ‘Jihad’, impeccable judiciary, good governance, political awareness, social changes, economic reforms, etc. Our message and efforts must reach every aspect of life and to all levels of society.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy.”
[Chapter Al-Baqarah: Verse 208]
These two critical characteristics of ‘Tajdid Islami’ will effect a total change. Since Islam has been revealed for the benefit of the whole of mankind, the process of ‘Tajdid Islami’ cannot be limited to a certain locality or era only. It’s planning and implementation have to be realistic, contemporary, and ‘Alamiyyah’ (global) which reaches out through all human-made boundaries.
Our Hope
Now we already know and understand with full certainty that we are known as the chosen ‘Ummah’ or the best ‘Ummah’ is because we live our lives in full submission to Allah s.w.t. only. Our acceptance of ‘Tauhid Rubbubiyyah’ (see previous article) and ‘Tauhid Uluhiyyah’ (see previous article) and our beliefs in the six pillars of ‘Iman’ demand our full commitment to them. Remember our agreement with Allah s.w.t. then and this same agreement will be our witness in the Hereafter.
Acceptance and commitment of ‘Tauhid Rubbubiyyah’ and ‘Tauhid Uluhiyyah’ also mean that we have to propagate ‘Risalah Al-Islam’ and call upon the whole of mankind to the total submission to Allah s.w.t. in all aspects of life. In that we believe the task of ‘Da’wah’ is on every Muslim who will be the witness to the whole of mankind in the Hereafter. This responsibility also distinguishes us from ‘Iman’ and Hypocrisy. The hypocrites only say that they are Muslims with their tongues but their hearts do not believe in Islam as a whole since Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“The desert Arabs who lagged behind will say to thee: ‘We were engaged in (looking after) our flocks and herds, and our families: do thou then ask forgiveness for us.’ They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say: ‘Who then has any power at all (to intervene) on your behalf with Allah, if His Will is to give you some loss or to give you some profit?’ But Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do.”
[Chapter Al-Fath: Verse 11]
Remember that ‘Da’wah’ can prevent the Muslim ‘Ummah’ from destruction and the punishment of Allah s.w.t.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“And fear tumult or oppression, which affecteth not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong: and know that Allah is strict in punishment.”
[Chapter Al-Anfal: Verse 25]
We also believe that ‘Tajdid Islami’, which is the heritage from all the Prophets a.s. before us, aims at upholding a way of life that is blessed by Allah s.w.t., complete and peaceful. All deeds and resources of the revivalists have to be directed in purifying the ‘Aqidah’ of the ‘Ummah’ in all its manifestations and then only Allah s.w.t will grant us help and victory, ‘InshaAllah’.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran which means:
“Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion - the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace: They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked.”
[Chapter An-Nur: Verse 55]
1. Call To Islam And How The Prophet Preached: Amin Ahsan Islahi
2. Towards Understanding Islam: Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi
3. ‘Usul Ad-Da’wah’: Dr Abdul Karim Zaidan
4. Return To Al-Quran And As-Sunnah: KHM Chalil
5. ‘Fiqud Da’wah’: M. Natsir
6. Tafsir Al-Qurtubi
7. Tafsir Al-A’raaf: Maududi
8. Tafsir Al-Jashas
9. Tafsir Ibn Kathir
10. ‘Nailul Maran’: Mohd Sadiq Hasan Khan
11. Islam And The West: Sayyid Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi
12. ‘Jundullah Thaqafatan Wa Akhlaqan’: Sheikh Sa’id Hawwa
13. ‘Ma’alim Fit Tariq’: Ash-Shahid Sayyid Qutb r.a.
14. ‘Mushkilatud Da’wah Wad Daa’iyah’: Sheikh Dr Fathi Yakan
Thursday, March 27, 2008
How Do We Become The Best ‘Ummah’ For Mankind?
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
5:58:00 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Phase 18 On-Hold !!!
Since Idris Jusoh has made an open apology and Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi is willing to seek an audience with His Highness the Sultan of Terengganu/Regent to resolve the MB issue amicably, we will not implement Phase 18 of our Improvement Plan just yet. However, we have placed this action plan on standby depending on the outcome of the ongoing negotiations.
We are monitoring this issue closely and if we find that there are still treacherous acts and behaviors of the parties involved, we will not hesitate to implement Phase 18 of our Improvement Plan immediately.
Always bear in mind that we are impartial and that includes being non-partisan, non-racist and religious tolerant. Our only wish is that all Malaysians can live in peace, harmony and prosperity always.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
8:31:00 AM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Worms Are Coming Out Of The Can In Terengganu
T'ganu MB: Palace appoints Ahmad Said, boycott looms
K Kabilan | Mar 22, 08 7:42pm
After days of uncertainty, the Terengganu palace today announced that Kijal state assemblyperson Ahmad Said has been appointed the new menteri besar of the state.
* Umno leaders toeing the party line
* Sultan acted within his powers
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comment:
We would like to warn the BN ADUNs of Terengganu that we do not tolerate any treachery towards His Highness the Acting Sultan of Terengganu with regards to the appointment of the MB of the State. We give these ADUNs 3 days to redeem themselves. If by 26-Mar-08 they do not redeem themselves, we will start our Phase 18 - Cleanse BN ADUNs of Terengganu of treacherous act and behavior.
Also, their names will be in our C-List as follows:
1. N1 - KUALA BESUT - Abdul Rahman Mokhtar
2. N2 - KOTA PUTERA - Muhammad Pehimi Yusof
3. N4 - HULU BESUT - Nawi Mohamad
4. N5 - JABI - Ramlan Ali
5. N6 - PERMAISURI - Abdul Halim Jusoh
6. N7 - LANGKAP - Asha'ari Idris
7. N8 - BATU RAKIT - Khazan Che Mat
8. N9 - TEPUH - Muhammad Ramli Nuh
9. N10 - TELUK PASU - Abdul Rahin Mohd Said
10. N11 - SEBERANG TAKIR - Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman
11. N14 - BANDAR - Toh Chin Yaw
12. N17 - ALUR LIMBAT - Alias Abdullah
13. N20 - PENGKALAN BERANGAN - Yahya Khatib Mohamad
14. N21 - TELEMUNG - Rozi Mamat
15. N23 - KUALA BERANG - Mohd Zawawi Ismail
16. N24 - AJIL - Rosol Wahid
17. N25 - BUKIT BESI - Din Adam
18. N26 - RANTAU ABANG - Za'abar Mohd Adib
19. N28 - PAKA - Mohd Ariffin Abdullah
20. N29 - KEMASIK - Rosli Othman
21. N31 - CUKAI - Mohamad Awang Tera
22. N32 - AIR PUTIH - Wan Ahmad Nizam Wan Abdul Hamid
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
10:05:00 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
Cordial Invitations For Datuk Seri Abdullah And Tengku Razaleigh
Our group's leader would like to convey the following:
1. We are very pleased to cordially invite Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi for an audience with us anytime at his convenience.
2. On a separate occasion, we are also very pleased to cordially invite Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah for an audience with us anytime at his convenience.
End Statement.
Meeting Arrangement And Agenda
1. Our group's leader Tengku Putra Ash-Sha'ari would like to cordially invite YAB Datuk Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi for an audience with him to discuss on a number of trusts that Datuk Seri's late father and grandfather have entrusted Tengku Putra Ash-Sha'ari to convey to Datuk Seri.
2. We will send a 'Raja' and a 'Panglima' by car to escort Datuk Seri anywhere in Kuala Kangsar to the meeting place in Perak.
3. Datuk Seri can bring along his own escorts and meet us in Kuala Kangsar for the rendezvous.
4. Please contact us at the e-mail address to confirm the meeting and arrangements.
5. On a separate occasion, our group's leader would also like to cordially invite YB Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah for an audience with him to discuss on some family matters.
6. The meeting arrangements are also as per steps no. 2, 3 and 4.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
9:48:00 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
A Final Reminder To DAP And Supporters
Since Lim Kit Siang has made an open apology, we will not implement Phase 17 of our Improvement Plan just yet. However, we have placed this action plan on standby depending on the adherence of DAP to the following:
1. Loyal to the Malay Rulers and avoid any treacherous act and behavior in future.
2. Not in animosity with Islam as any animosity shown towards Islam implies the animosity towards the Malay Rulers since in Article 3(2) of the Constitution of Malaysia, the Malay Rulers are the Heads of the religion of Islam in their respective states.
We are monitoring this issue closely and if we find that the above conditions are violated for whatever reason(s), we will not hesitate to implement Phase 17 of our Improvement Plan immediately.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
12:49:00 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
We Will Not Tolerate Any Treachery
Malaysia Today:
Posted by Raja Petra
Thursday, 13 March 2008
The Malays are prepared to accept a Chinese Menteri Besar. The Malays are prepared to accept a Chinese Menteri Besar even if that Chinese is from DAP. And the Malays left it entirely to Tuanku to decide if Tuanku wants a Malay or Chinese Menteri Besar, never mind from which political party he may be from.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comment:
As we have highlighted earlier in Malaysia-Today on many occasions, we will not tolerate any treachery, be it from the Government or the Opposition.
It's time for Lim Kit Siang to be like all the other senior politicians such as Dr M, LLS and LKY to retire peacefully and quitely. We insist.
By Monday 17-Mar-08, we will post our improvement plan regarding DAP to resolve this issue.
To the Malay Rulers,
Daulat Tuanku !!!!!!!!!
Daulat Tuanku !!!!!!!!!
Daulat Tuanku !!!!!!!!!
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
12:17:00 PM
Vote Rigging In The 12th GE
Malaysia Today:
Posted by Raja Petra
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
In spite of all the rhetoric, Barisan Nasional knows it lost the 2008 general election. The final result may show that it won, but if you exclude the one million 'stuffed votes', then this would translate to a loss.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comment:
We know that there was vote rigging in the 12th General Elections especially on the Armed Forces/Police Force voting twice and the phantom voters. We have no choice but to implement our Phase 16 of our Improvement Plan starting 18-Mar-08.
We strongly urge the Opposition to bring up these issues and challenge the election results where the vote rigging occurred.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
10:42:00 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Steps And Preparations After The 12th GE
After deliberation, our group's leader would like to convey the following:
1. Restore the original rights and powers of the Malay Rulers in the Constitution of Malaysia.
2. Abolish the Internal Security Act (ISA) as it is no longer relevant and valid.
3. Improve on the University & College Act.
4. Improve on the Printing and Presses Act.
5. Maintain the price of petrol & gas and other essential goods.
End Statement.
In addition to the objectives that we have submitted to the PM, issues 2 through 5 are detrimental for ensuring a BN comeback in the next GE, if it wants to. The following are our rationale on these issues:
Issue 1
Our stand in this issue has been crystal clear. It is up to the PM now to make his move. On our part, we are already in standby mode. The PM may proceed as planned and leave the traitors to us, especially Dr M and his cohorts. As proof, whosover supports the Yellow wave has our blessings.
BN's defeat in this GE is not primarily due to the PM's fault but due to the rot that was left by Dr M. So, the PM needs another term to clean up the mess.
Issue 2
The ISA is no longer relevant and valid in this era of progress and globalization. It should be abolished immediately and all the detainees be given a speedy and fair trial. This is one of the big factors that has caused BN to lose its 2/3 majority. The Government has blatantly used the ISA to suppress the Indian community's grievances rather than address them holistically. The Indian community is frustrated with the Government's show of force. Actually, the Government should listen to them and resolve their problems amicably. The Government should show care and love to the Indian community and not arrogance and the show of force.
Furthermore, we have said in our previous highlights that the Hindraf leaders were only thinking of seeking the help of terrorists. But, they have not done that yet. So, the Government has jumped the gun. We have advised the Government not to nab the Hindraf's leaders under ISA but the Government ignored our advice. As proof, Samy has lost in this GE.
Issue 3
The Government should ammend the University and College Act so that students are not shut off in a 'nutshell'. We do not want our Youth to be 'robots' but we want them to be energetic, resourceful and creative citizens of Malaysia. They are our future leaders and generation. This Act has closed their minds and hearts to being 'free as a bird'. If the Government wants to address the Youth of the nation effectively, it should set them 'free' and then only the younger generations will support BN. Then only the younger generation will respect the Government and its leaders. As proof, the majority of students are not supporting the Government. Only the vested-interest groups are supporting the Government.
Issue 4
We believe in the total freedom of speech, expression and assembly to the letter (even among families). We believe that the citizens of Malaysia are wise enough to make choices between good and bad. If they do good, they will be rewarded and if they do bad, they will be punished.
So, the Government need not feel intimidated by allowing this total freedom to the citizens of Malaysia. The Government must liberate all its mainstream media, be it electronic or print, to be at par with world standards or even better. Then only the younger generations especially the professionals will support BN and respect the Government and its leaders and not just be 'tripods'. As proof, Zam has lost in this GE.
Issue 5
As everyone knows, when the price of petrol goes up, all other related essential goods and services go up else well. So, this is the key factor in the economy and this is also one of the big factors that has cost BN dearly in this GE.
So, we recommend the Government not to increase the petrol price and all other essential goods. We believe it can be done. If the Government cannot do it, seek the help of Anwar's team when he goes to Parliament this next few months.
The Government must realize that low and middle-income citizens strive daily and monthly to make their budget ends meet. For the rich, a RM2 increase in petrol price will not even dent them. How about the poor farmers, fishermen, hawkers, petty traders and rural folks? The impact is devastating. The Government must always have these people in mind when doing any planning or policies that affect the economy. As proof, BN has lost an additional 4 states in this GE and almost lost Terengganu.
We will be monitoring all the promises made by all the victors in this GE, be it from the Government or the Opposition.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
10:13:00 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Congratulations To The Winners In The 12th GE
We would like to congratulate all the winners in the Malaysian 12th General Elections. To the losers, always be patient and try again.
We recommend to the winners among the Muslims to offer small and simple 'Thanksgiving Feasts' (Kenduri Kesyukuran) because of Allah s.w.t. and to the Non-Muslims in whatever way they can with regards to their victories.
Tomorrow, we will highlight some insights as to where Malaysia is heading and what are our preparations. Always bear in mind that we are impartial and that includes being non-partisan.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
6:25:00 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
How Well Do We Know Our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.?
After testifying in our ‘Shahadah’ that there is no ‘ilah’ except Allah s.w.t. and Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is the Messenger of Allah s.w.t., we are bound to know, believe and manifest this very dear and precious testimony in all aspects of our daily lives. We have gone through in our previous articles on ‘At-tauhid’ and how to safeguard it. Now, we would like to go through what does it take to accept Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. as the Messenger of Allah s.w.t.‘Aqaid Nabawiyyah’ (Beliefs On Prophethood)
‘Aqaid Nabawiyyah’ is about the mandatory attributes of Rasulullah s.a.w. which comprise 4 ‘must’ attributes, 4 ‘must not’ attributes and 1 ‘may’ attribute, totaling 9 attributes in all.
1. Meaning Of Prophet And Messenger Of Allah s.w.t.
In the book ‘Knowledge Of Beliefs’ by Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Bajuri states that a Prophet is a man who has been ordained with divine revelation on laws and was not commanded to convey these revelations to mankind.
However, a Messenger is a man who has been ordained with divine revelation on laws and has been commanded to convey these revelations to mankind.
That is why every Messenger is a Prophet and not every Prophet is a Messenger. Messengers are the delegations of Allah s.w.t. to reveal all the laws of Allah s.w.t. to mankind so that they may live harmoniously in this life and in the Hereafter. They are also Allah s.w.t.’s chosen ones who possess true and good personalities as a sign of the truth and greatness of Allah s.w.t’s laws and wishes.
All Messengers are men who are adults, with sound minds, free (not slaves) and their personalities are protected (‘maksum’) by Allah s.w.t. from any sins, bad deeds and ‘makruh’ (non-recommended) deeds or any deeds that are against the exalted character (‘khilaful aula’).
When there is any deed of a Messenger that according to the human mind may seem wrong, that in fact contains a great ‘hikmah’ (wisdom) and not because of the Messenger’s lusty inclination. For example, Prophet Adam a.s. had to leave Paradise because he ate the forbidden fruit (‘khuldi’). Then, Prophet Ibrahim a.s. lied when he answered the query by King Nimrod about the charge against him for destroying their idols.2. ‘Must’ Attributes Of A Messenger Of Allah s.w.t.
In all the good attributes of Rasulullah s.a.w., all of them are exalted. Amongst these are 4 basic attributes for us to know in mandatory.
2.1 ‘Siddiq’ (Truthful)
It is mandatory for Rasulullah s.a.w. to own this ‘Siddiq’ attribute meaning that he is truthful and it is impossible for him to tell lies.
Being truthful for a Messenger has 2 implications. Firstly, it is suitable with what he says and the evidences. Secondly, it is suitable with what he believes even without any evidence.
Amongst the examples that were suitable with his deeds and not suitable with what he had said was the answer Rasulullah s.a.w. gave to his companion Zulyadin when the Prophet performed ‘Dzohor’ prayers and suddenly he gave ‘Salam’ after just 2 ‘rakaat’. Zulyadin asked, “Is the prayers ‘qasar’ (shortened) or you have forgotten, Oh Rasulullah?” Rasulullah s.a.w. replied, “No, not at all.” This means that the prayers were not shortened nor did the Prophet forget. In fact, the Prophet s.a.w. forgot and he continued the prayers with another 2 ‘rakaat’.
This incident is a ‘hikmah’ from Allah s.w.t. because it is a ‘tashri’’ (clarification) to teach mankind on the method of prayers when one forgets the number of ‘rakaat’ during prayers. The Prophet s.a.w. forgot not because he was day-dreaming or otherwise.
This ‘Siddiq’ attribute of the Messenger is also known as ‘Haq’. ‘Haq’ is “facts and the laws of Allah s.w.t. are in coherence”. So, the words of the Messengers of Allah s.w.t. are all true and there are no lies. If a Messenger lies then the laws of Allah s.w.t. are also not true. In fact, Allah s.w.t. has strengthened the truth of his Messengers with miracles. If the laws of Allah s.w.t. are not true, of course the ‘da’wah’ (religious propagation) of the Messengers was not believed by mankind.
2.2 ‘Amanah’ (Trustworthy)
It is mandatory for a Messenger to have the ‘Amanah’ attribute or trustworthy. It is impossible for a Messenger to betray. Trustworthy means he is protected physically and spiritually from doing any deeds that Allah s.w.t. forbids, even the non-recommended deeds, which are against the exalted character due to lusty inclinations.
The Messengers are protected by Allah s.w.t. from doing any bad deeds physically and spiritually, including the non-recommended deeds. When there seemed to be any act of Rasulullah s.a.w. that was against the law, in fact it has a great wisdom therein. For example, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was once performing his ablution by washing the parts of his body once and once, but in fact it should be thrice and thrice. Also, Rasulullah s.a.w. once did drink while standing. These incidents were clarifications to mankind on the laws of Allah s.w.t. and not from the Prophet s.a.w.’s whims and fancies. In fact, the clarifications of the laws of Allah s.w.t. were also an ‘ibadah’ for the Prophet s.a.w. Rasulullah s.a.w. said which means:
“Indeed, I am not forgetful but was made forgotten.”
Verily, it is mandatory for the Messenger to be trustworthy because if they betrayed while doing bad deeds or the non-recommended deeds, then we will also be commanded the same. Whilst it is not valid or false that we are commanded to do bad deeds or non-recommended deeds, whether in the form of our actions, sayings or spiritual inclinations.
2.3 ‘Tabligh’ (Deliver)
It is mandatory for a Messenger to have the ‘Tabligh’ attribute meaning to convey all matters or laws that were commanded and then delivered to mankind or creations. It is impossible for a Messenger to hide anything that Allah s.w.t. has commanded. The Messengers were obedient and disciplined in implementing this ‘Tabligh’ attribute without any feeling of doubt or fear towards the unbelievers. Sometimes, the unbelievers evicted, threatened and moreover undertook to kill the Messengers.
The obligation of ‘Tabligh’ (deliver) is not just the obligation of the Messengers but also the obligation of the Muslims. Rasulullah s.a.w. said which means:
“Every matter that is commanded to the Messengers is also commanded to their ‘ummah’ (nations).”
“Convey from me even though it is only one sentence.”
Indeed, if the Messengers hid this ‘Tabligh’ attribute commanded to him to be delivered to his nation, then of course we will also be commanded to hide knowledge. In fact, it is false or not valid if we are commanded this because verily Allah s.w.t. condemns people who hide knowledge.
2.4 ‘Fatanah’ (Intelligent)
It is mandatory for a Messenger to have the ‘Fatanah’ attribute meaning that he is intelligent. It is impossible for him to be stupendous. The task of the Messengers was to deliver the laws of Allah s.w.t. to those who wanted to follow and also to those who are unbelievers with bad morality and oppressive in every aspect of life.
To undertake the task of delivering the message commanded by Allah s.w.t. is not an easy task, but a task full of challenges. The Messengers are alone in facing their nations who are large in numbers and many of them rejected the Messengers except Prophet Moses a.s. who was accompanied by Prophet Aaron a.s.
If the Messengers were not intelligent of course they will not be able to give clarifications and ‘da’wah’ to mankind. With the knowledge and intelligence that were with the Messengers, many of the hard-hearted became soft-hearted, many that rejected became obedient and moreover followed the Messengers in propagating the ‘da’wah’. Indeed, if the Messengers did not possess the ‘Fatanah’ attribute, they could not have given arguments or reasoning to defeat their enemies. It is impossible for a Messenger to be unable to uphold their arguments.3. ‘Must Not’ Attributes Of A Messenger Of Allah s.w.t.
In addition to the ‘must’ attributes of a Messenger that have been addressed above, there are 4 attributes that are impossible for the Messengers of Allah s.w.t. that form a negation to the ‘must’ attributes. They are:
3.1 ‘Kidzib’ (Lier)
It is impossible for the Messengers of Allah s.w.t. to have the ‘Kidzib’ attribute or the teachings brought by them are swayed to falsehood. This ‘Kidzib’ attribute is only present in the unbelievers and the hypocrites.
3.2 ‘Khiyanah’ (Betray)
It is also impossible for the Messengers of Allah s.w.t. to have the ‘Khiyanah’ attribute or they transgressed anything that Allah s.w.t. has forbid. For the Messengers, they possess the ‘must’ attribute of ‘Amanah’ or who that can be trusted whereas those who possess the attribute of ‘Khiyanah’ are the people who rejected the call of Allah s.w.t.
3.3 ‘Kitmaan’ (Hide)
It is impossible for the Messengers of Allah s.w.t. to have the ‘Kitmaan’ attribute or do not deliver but hide the truth. Indeed, the Messengers were delegated by Allah s.w.t. to deliver His true teachings because this is the task of the Messengers to deliver the message of truth as commanded by Allah s.w.t.
3.4 ‘Balaadah’ (Stupid)
It is an impossible matter for the Messengers of Allah s.w.t. to have the ‘Balaadah’ attribute meaning they are stupid. Indeed, the Messengers of Allah s.w.t. were delegated to possess intelligence because they need to spread their task to deliver the truthful matters, of course they need the good and right arguments to do that. The Messengers were equipped with a lot of knowledge coupled with many miracles that Allah s.w.t. has ordained them. So, it is impossible for the Messengers to possess a stupid attribute.4. ‘May’ Attribute Of A Messenger Of Allah s.w.t.
The ‘may’ attribute for a Messenger means that Messengers were also humans. As such, they possess human qualities. For example, the Messengers also ate, drank, married, became sick, etc. In spite of that, they were protected from attributes that can degrade their status as Messengers such as be inflicted with contagious diseases that could make people afraid being close to them.
Messengers were normal human beings who were ordained with divine revelations by Allah s.w.t. and made as good examples for mankind. All actions experienced or done by the Messengers contained the implementations of the laws of Allah s.w.t. except for some specific or special cases like marrying more than 4 wives and so on.
5. Understanding Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. As The Messenger Of Allah s.w.t.
Muslims need to know the lineage of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. whether from his father’s side or from his mother’s side. The lineage from his father’s side is: Muhammad Rasulullah s.a.w. Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Mutallib Bin Hashim Bin Abdul Manaf Bin Qushay Bin Kilab Bin Murrah Bin Ka’ab Bin Luay Bin Ghalib Bin Fihir Bin Malik Bin Nadhar Bin Kinanah Bin Khuzaimah Bin Mudrikah Bin Ilyas Bin Mudhar Bin Nizar Bin Ma’ad Bin Adnan who lived in the era of Prophet Moses a.s. After Adnan until Prophet Adam a.s., there are no authentic sources that can be taken for verification.
The lineage from his mother’s side is: Aminah Binti Wahab Binti Abdul Manaf Binti Zuhrah Binti Kilab and so on. The lineage of Aminah further on met at Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.’s lineage on his father’s side, that is at his great grandfather named Kilab.
All Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.’s lineage until Prophet Adam a.s. was from good people who uphold ‘At-Tauhid’ and none of them were unbelievers. Their marriages were also based on the teachings of ‘At-Tauhid’. Allah s.w.t. said in the Holy Quran which means:
“And thy movements among those who prostrate themselves.”
[Chapter Ash-Shu’ara: Verse 219]
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. has a well named ‘Al-Kauthar’ which is prepared for man and genies to drink when they enter Paradise. The nature of the water is clearer than water, the odor is more fragrant than musk and the taste is sweeter than honey. Anyone who drinks from ‘Al-Kauthar’ well will never feel thirsty forever.
Indeed, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. will give his ‘Shafa’at’ (Intercession) to all mankind in the Hereafter so that they may be judged speedily to separate those who are to enter Paradise or Hell. Rasulullah s.a.w.’s Intercession is called ‘Shafa’atul ‘Uzma’ which means the Great Intercession. This Intercession of Rasulullah s.a.w. is for the whole of mankind and genies who are believers and non-believers, including all the Prophets and Messengers since Prophet Adam a.s. and also all the Angels.
From Anas Bin Malik who reported that indeed Rasulullah s.a.w. has said which means:
“When Allah s.w.t. gathered the whole of mankind and genies in the Hereafter at a place called ‘Mahshar’, they felt afraid of the flames of Hell until they cuddle close together between them. Fortunately, they are still shielded by the Hell’s keeper named Malik (the angel).”
The best time is during the time of Rasulullah s.a.w., then the time after that and then the time after that. Like what Rasulullah s.a.w. has said which means:
“The best of my ‘ummah’ is the one that lived near my generation, then the generation that followed after that, and then the generation that followed after that then.”
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. had 7 children altogether and they were:
1. Sayyid Qasim r.a.
He is the eldest child of the Prophet s.a.w., until the Prophet s.a.w. was nicknamed Abul Qasim. Sayyid Qasim r.a. only lived for 17 days.
2. Sayyidah Zainab r.a.
3. Sayyidah Ruqayyah r.a.
4. Sayyidah Ummu Kulthum r.a.
5. Sayyidah Siti Fatimah r.a.
6. Sayyid Abdullah r.a.
He was nicknamed Tayyib and Tahir.
7. Sayyid Ibrahim r.a.
He only lived for 70 days.
All of the Prophet s.a.w.’s children were born to Sayyidatina Siti Khadijah r.a. except Sayyid Ibrahim r.a. who was born to Sayyidatina Mariyah Al-Qibti r.a.
Our Hope
After knowing ‘At-tauhid’, implementing and safeguarding it, we now know Rasulullah s.a.w. who is the dearest to us above all human beings. By reliving this faith, it should be suffice for us to form a base to move forward in starting a path of excellence to be the best ‘ummah’ (nation) for mankind. The pre-requisite to be the best ‘ummah’ of course is to carry on the work of the Messengers of Allah s.w.t., amongst them is ‘amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar’ (enjoin good and forbid evil), which we will touch on in our next article ‘Risalah Tauhid’.
1. 20 Attributes – Attributes Of Allah & Submission To His Oneness: Muhammad Isa Selamat
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
9:18:00 AM