After deliberaton, our group's leader would like to convey the following:
1. We know that Rosmah is slightly involved in the Altantuya's murder case due to her envy.
2. As we have said before, Najib is not at all involved in the Altantuya's murder case. Rosmah is practising witchcraft which is against the teachings of Islam. She wants to control Najib.
3. Rosmah has transgressed when she showed her anger to the Sultan Of Selangor. If she does not apologize and repent, the wrath of Allah s.w.t. shall befall her soon.
End Statement.
1. Many people like to make baseless accusations and wrong perceptions. The truth is the truth whether we like it or not. Some people like to skew the truth for their own political interests. To add to the spoilt soup, vulgarity and slander were thrown in as well.
2. If people refrain from making assumptions, wrong perceptions, distorting and skewing the truth and slandering, Malaysia will be a much more happier and peaceful place to live in. As for Rosmah, let Najib handle her. If Najib needs our hand, he's most welcome.
Witchcraft and black magic are against Islam and are 'Shirk'. Whosover does not repent and dies in this state, surely enough they will be in Hell forever.
3. Rosmah has made a grave mistake. We advise her to seek the forgiveness of the Sultan Of Selangor while there is still time before the wrath of Allah s.w.t. comes down on her.
Best Regards.........
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Rosmah Is Involved In Altantuya's Murder
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
11:53:00 AM
Final Warning To Karpal Singh !!!
After deliberaton, our group's leader would like to convey the following:
1. He should not interfere with the rights and powers of the Sultan of Perak as Head of Islam in this State. He should be given a final warning.
2. If he does not heed this warning, Allah s.w.t. will disable him further until he cannot move.
3. He does not realize that Allah s.w.t. has crippled him for his sins towards Islam and Muslims. Let this be a lesson to him.
End Statement.
1. We have been monitoring Karpal's animosity towards Islam for quite some time now. It is high time for us to issue a final warning to him regarding his animosity towards Islam, Muslims and the Malay Rulers, especially Sultan Azlan Shah, in this latest case.
2. We will not tolerate any further crap from him and his supporters regarding this issue. If Allah s.w.t. punishes him, do not blame anyone for his future miseries. Karpal should blame himself for his miseries because of his own transgressions.
3. We consider whosover supports Karpal in this latest case against Sultan Azlan Shah as not genuine truth bearers and they shall be accountable for their own doings. They are no different from any other vested-interest groups. Period.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
11:52:00 AM