A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. We would like all the citizens of Malaysia to be healthy and this in turn makes the country a healthy nation. Health is priceless and so it is very important for the citizens of Malaysia to stay healthy and prevent from being sick. There are many ways to stay healthy and we would like to recommend one 300-year proven approach to the citizens of Malaysia.
Medical experts from all over the world further discussed the lesson why the main meat consuming people, Argentinians, who lack the balance of vegetables, yet their blood contents still are the first in the world. The citizens there do not suffer from blood diseases, paralysis or anyone suffering from diabetes. Despite of that, they are more energetic and of high spirit as well as having perfect nutrition. Further research done by medical experts has found that every Argentinian has the habit of long-term drinking Patagonia Yerba Mate.
The secret behind Argentinian health is announced for the first time.
Let’s listen to foreign experts confirmation regarding Patagonia Yerba Mate.
· Nobel Prize Winner Bern Ardo Houssay elaborated and confirmed that Yerba Mate contains the main element called “mateina” which is very good for human being. It can get rid of excessive bile secretion, resist diseases, control diabetes, hasten blood circulation, ease urination, stimulate heart, brain and body mechanisms. It also can eradicate fatigue and maintain high spirit.
· The Chairman Argentina Nourishment Research Center Dr. Pedro said: “Among the natural plants, Yerba Mate contains the highest content of Vitamin C………”
· International Food League, The Chairman of Paris Headquarters A. Lenglet said: “Yerba Mate can overcome fatigue quickly and increase body energy. In addition, it can balance and control body internal mechanisms.”
· Dr. Epery of Paris said: “Yerba Mate is a holy essence for regaining body energy after traveling or working.”
· Dr. Victor Amaral, The Chancellor of Brazil Barala’ University said: “Yerba Mate is a nourishing beverage, stimulating and providing as well as ease urination dose.”
· A Morean de Tours, Chemist and Physiologist of Paris, Pastre Research Center said: “Yerba Mate is the stimulating dose, it contains ‘carbon’, mateina and caffeine are good to human body but without any side effects.”
· Dr. A. Lankaster, England Museum Professor said: “Should introduce drinking Yerba Mate widely, just as drinking nourishing tonic.”
· Paris Science College Lecturer M. Dastre said: “Yerba Mate is unique, it can let man resists long time vigorous exercise and do not feel tired………”
· Dr. Latleux, Organic Study Lecturer, Bulogoc Surgical in charge said: “Yerba Mate subsidies energy and reduces loss, it’s a fusty beverage.”
· Dr. M. Thevenard of University Paris said: “Yerba Mate contains ‘carbon’ similar to gland secretion, is a nourish tonic. From the health point of view, and its special contents, it is the best.”
Research from Commonwealth experts has shown the efficiency of Yerba Mate. We can understand the reason why Argentinians are healthy and strong.
The leaves are picked from the Yerba Mate plants, baked, roasted and ground. It is rich in vitamins, fiber elements and ‘mateina’. This health product does not contain any chemical mixed compound.
High Blood Pressure – The Silent Killer
· High blood pressure is a condition where our body’s blood pressure rises and stays high even when we are resting
· Blood pressure rises when the density of the blood increases (due to over consumption of salt) or if the blood vessels are clogged (due to high levels of cholesterol) or the heart needs to pump more blood (due to obesity)
· If untreated, it can also cause a heart attack, impaired vision and kidney failure
· High blood pressure does not occur spontaneously but gradually
· High blood pressure does not have any specific signs or symptoms
· High blood pressure does not have a cure. It can only be controlled
Cancer – Major Killer
Scientists believed Yerba Mate contains polyphenols amongst them that act as anti-oxidants to fight cancerous cells. These anti-oxidants attack the free radicals that are present in our body and in the environment. These free radicals are believed to be the source of cancerous cell growth in the human body.
Pressure and Stress
1. Noise
2. Congested traffic
3. Worry
4. More workload
5. Busy
6. Haste
Acidic Foods
1. Coffee
2. Meat
3. Sweets
Foods Using Artificial Contents
1. Fast foods
2. Flavors
3. Coloring
4. Emulsifiers
5. Chemicals
All the above can lead to the blood containing acid – not clean. This leads to the small health problems below.
Small Health Problems
1. Easily tired
2. Headache
3. Body pains
4. Low resistance to diseases like flu
5. Fever
6. Insomnia
7. No appetite
If these small health problems persist, then the following more serious health problems will arise:
1. Constipation
2. Skin rashes
3. Indigestion
4. Weak
5. Hormone imbalance
6. Low blood pressure
7. Obesity
Then, over a long period of time, the following major diseases will occur:
1. High blood pressure
2. Heart attack
3. Ulcer
4. Schizophrenia
5. Diabetes
6. Kidney failure
7. Liver failure
8. Cancer
The effects of Yerba Mate are as follows:
1. Nervous System
· Revives the nervous system and calms down the mind
· Increases memory power
· Increases acumen
· Increases the revival process of the mind and thus reduces the time for rest
· Can overcome sleeping problems
2. Blood System
· Choline in Yerba Mate can remove cholesterols from the walls of the blood vessels. Thus, this will ease high blood pressure
· An economical blood pressure regulator
· Ease of urination and sweating to remove toxins from the body
3. Muscular System
· Releases the energy stored in the muscles
· Quickly recovers from tiredness
· Allows greater endurance when doing hard and intensive work
· Contains pantotenic acid that is effective in recovering from physical injury
· Reduces body heat
4. Digestive System
· Prevents lips splitting
· Prevents sore throat
· Anti-septic in nature. Recovers from gastritis
· Prevents constipation
· Prevents bad breath
5. Respiratory System
· Strengthens the respiratory organs like the heart and lungs
· Aids in reducing respiratory problems like short breaths and asthma
6. Others
· Prevents hair fall
· Prevents erectile dysfunction
So, Yerba Mate is good for preventing the following diseases amongst them:
1. High blood pressure
2. Cancer
3. Diabetes
4. Heart attack
5. Pleurisy
6. Kidney failure
7. Kidney stone
8. Piles
9. Gastritis
10. Obesity
12. Glaucoma
13. Gout
14. Skin diseases
15. Asthma
Take a sachet of Yerba Mate and put it in a jug of hot water. If boiling water is used, the boiled water should be cooled down for 3 ~ 5 minutes before using it so as not to destroy the cells of the Yerba Mate leaves. The Yerba Mate is prepared like preparing normal tea except that it is without sugar and milk.
The recommended dosages are as below.
1. Asthma (Children): 10 ~ 12 cups/day (1st week) 6 ~ 8 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
2. Asthma (Adult): 6 ~ 8 cups/day (1st week) 4 ~ 6 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
3. Gastritis (Children): 10 ~ 12 cups/day (1st week) 6 ~ 8 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
4. Gastritis (Adult): 6 ~ 8 cups/day (1st week) 4 ~ 6 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
5. High blood pressure: 12 cups/day (1st week) 8 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
6. Gout: 12 cups/day (1st week) 8 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
7. Diabetes: 12 cups/day (1st week) 8 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
8. Heart problems: 12 cups/day (1st week) 8 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
9. Normal People: 4 cups/day (1st week) 4 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
10. Active People: 1 ~ 2 cups/day (1st week) 1 ~ 2 cups/day (2nd week onwards)
NOTE: For best effects, the Yerba Mate needs to be consumed together with the leaves
For the following diseases, there will be an observable reaction when the Yerba Mate is consumed for the first time. Do not be alarmed as the reactions will disappear as time passes by.
Disease - Reaction
Asthma - Will be more severe in the first 2 ~ 3 days, more coughing and phlegm
High blood pressure - Dizziness and neck pains or fever at the initial stages
Diabetes - Fever, pains all over the body and tiredness at the initial stages
Gastritis - More stomach pains at the initial stages
With this health drink, we hope that the citizens of Malaysia have an alternative to what they are currently practicing to safeguard their health. It is also our hope that our population will be a healthy one with a total of about 33 million people, taking the growth rate to be at 1.8 % per annum, by the year 2020.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Goodness Of Green Tea (Yerba Mate) From Argentina
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
3:46:00 PM
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