The Malaysian Insider:
Dr M still slams Pak Lah
KUALA LUMPUR, March 30 - The so-called rapprochement between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi could be stillborn after the former prime minister continued biting criticism against his successor.
This time, Dr Mahathir took his criticism to an international audience, using the platform of the BBC to say that "everthing went rotten" after Abdullah became prime minister.
He also lashed out at Khairy Jamaluddin and Kamal Abdullah, the son of the PM saying that both men decided on policies during the Abdullah era.
"Everything went wrong when Abdullah took over...", he said.
Despite being asked several times, if some of the problems in Umno and Malaysia was the result of mistakes which he made during 22 years as the PM, Dr Mahathir refused to acknowledged any shortcomings.
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comments:
1. The main reason why UMNO and the Government is so corrupted today is because of the 22 years of Dr Mahathir Mohamad's autocratic rule. He himself is corrupted and popularly known as Mr 10%. He's trying to point a finger at Abdullah but the people know that he is trying to hide from his own mistakes. He can deceive people outside Malaysia and who are naive but he cannot deceive people like us.
2. His cohorts say that the Opposition is going around the World condemning the Government but Dr M is also doing the same thing. These are the people who are the real trouble makers.
3. Do we think that 22 years of corruption borne by Dr M can be eliminated in just 5 years during Abdullah's time? That's why we have strongly urged Abdullah to stay on as PM until 2013 to complete his reform agenda. If Abdullah steps down now from being the PM, then Dr M and his cohorts will return to the old days of autocratic rule of Dr M. And this is not good for democracy.
4. What good is material progress and development when the Government (especially from UMNO) is corrupted to the core. So, Abdullah's reform agenda to improve on the human capital is critically needed to eradicate corruption in the Government and BN.
5. Taking credit when in good times and denying accountability when in bad times is not a good statesman's trait. This trait is typical of an opportunist.
6. To us, Dr M picking Abdullah as PM was not a mistake. This is the beginning of a process to cleanse the Government and Malaysia from corruption, materialism, cronyism, tyrannism and whatever bad ism that there are in our society. In fact, Dr M himself is in a self-denial mode.
7. The so-called rapprochement between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was just a show for UMNO to gain popularity.
Best Regards.........
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
He Has Not Learnt A Lesson And Never Will !!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
11:01:00 AM
Saturday, March 28, 2009
TV9 Spreading Evil !!!
We would like to convey the following:
1. We saw on TV9 this morning in their 'Nasi Lemak Kopi O' program that host Aziz Desa has recited some Malay incantations ('jampi') and then prescribed them to his female co-host.
2. This act is considered 'shirk' in Islamic teachings. Only incantations in the form of reciting the verses of the Holy Quran and acceptable prayers ('Doa') are permissible in Islamic teachings. Other than that, the act is considered studying deviant teachings. It just needs one incantation and the satans/devils will come to associate themselves with the reciter. So, the reciter needs to get spiritual medical help to rid him of this disease and sin.
3. We strongly recommend that TV9 give a final warning to Aziz Desa to not spread deviant teachings on this live program. If he refuses, then remove him from being host for any TV9 programs in future. Or else, all those who are responsible in TV9 will shoulder the sin of spreading evil to the people.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
6:10:00 PM
A Traitor Is A Traitor, Whichever Way We See It
Malaysia Today:
Posted by admin
Friday, 27 March 2009 18:14
Yes, I am no prostitute. And all those Malays who justify joining Umno for business reasons, and those Chinese and Indians who say they support Barisan Nasional to cari makan, are worse than prostitutes.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comments:
1. The 'boy' traitor is the one who is traitorous to the Sultan of Perak.
2. He went to see his 'father' traitor who is traitorous to the Malay Rulers when the 'father' traitor removed the original rights and powers of The Highnesses.
3. We do not believe in what the traitors say. We cannot trust them.
4. Aside to this, we observed the following:
4.1 Muhyiddin Yassin used sorcery when he made his speech as the new UMNO Deputy President this morning. We have neutralized it on the spot.
4.2 Dr M's cohorts used sorcery on Pak Lah to disturb his speech delivery. We have destroyed it on the spot.
4.3 We saw right through Najib during his acceptance speech as the new UMNO President, including what that cannot be seen by the naked eyes, a red mark directly on his forehead between his eyes.
5. So, we give Najib a final chance to redeem himself. We will KIV this matter and see first what is he going to do as UMNO President and eventually the Prime Minister. If he falters, then we have no choice but to take action against him and all his cohorts. Period.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
5:16:00 PM
Friday, March 27, 2009
We Do Not Support Teaching Science & Maths In English
The Malaysian Insider:
Improve English with vocabulary and grammar, not maths and science
By Neville Spykerman and Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani.
SHAH ALAM, March 10- The Movement Opposing the Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English (GMP), which held a street demonstration on Saturday has an ally in DAP’s Teresa Kok.
Kok, who is both the Seputeh MP and Kinrara assemblyman, said that rural pupils from all races were severely handicapped by the policy.
“Imagine, these children are trying to cope with the ABC and have the added burden of learning maths and science in a language foreign to them.”
The Selangor executive council member said contrary to media statements from the government, parents of rural pupils had opposed the policy, introduced six years ago, from day one.
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comments:
1. We do not support the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English because:
1.1 It is difficult for the children in the rural areas to comprehend the contents of the subject matter while trying to grasp with the English language at the same time. The Government had ignored the protests of the rural folks. So, this has become a campaign issue for the GE because the Government has put a deaf ear on the rural folks and BN only thinks of the elites, cronies, rich, famous and urban dwellers.
1.2 The Malay language is suppose to be the National language as enshrined in the Constitution of Malaysia. So, the Government should treat it that way across the board. There is no two ways about it. However, other mother-tongue languages can still be learnt at the vernacular schools. There is no problem here. We do not want our children to grow up to be like that UMNO Melbourne student who speaks our National language with an English slang or intonation.
1.3 We must retain and maintain our true national identity as Malaysians. Look at all the countries around us. Do they have a 'mixed-up' ('rojak') instruction delivery system in their primary and secondary schools' curriculum? They are proud Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc. So, we Malaysians must honor our National language to the hilt.
1.4 We learn knowledge faster in the language that we are fluent with. This is the building block for our children. Once their building blocks are strong, then learning other languages will not be much of a problem because their intellectual capacities have expanded and they are able to cope with the brain strain in the learning process.
1.5 We share the views of many known scholars around the World that however hard we to try to gain and chase the West on Science and Technology, we will never equal or surpass them as a whole. We may be ahead in a few small achievements and that's about it. So, knowing this fact, we should not waste our time and it is better for us to concentrate or prioritize on our own culture and traditions, especially on Islam, other ethnic strengths and what we do best, without neglecting Science and Technology along the way. In these aspects, we are definitely ahead of them, especially in truth, justice, equality, morality, plurality, Islamic economics and the human capital, to name a few.
2. So, we strongly recommend the Education Minister to revert teaching Science and Mathematics in the National language starting the school term for the year 2010 in both the primary and secondary schools.
3. The Education Minister can review this policy again when we have already achieved the developed nation status in the year 2020, inshaAllah.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
4:13:00 PM
Congratulations To The Winners Of The UMNO Elections 2008
The Malaysian Insider:
Two ministers, four MBs crash in supreme council polls
By Shannon Teoh
KUALA LUMPUR, March 26 – The voting for Umno’s 25 Supreme Council seats saw a number of government leaders failing to gain the support of the delegates.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman, who is under investigation for graft, joined Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad and Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Noraini Ahmad as members of outgoing president Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi’s Cabinet to fail.
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comments:
1. We commend Pak Lah on his deep and soul-searching speech in the general assembly. All UMNO and ex-UMNO members should take serious heed on what he had said. However, we were very disgusted when we saw an UMNO Melbourne student rudely criticizing Pak Lah on TV1. This student spoke in the Malay language with an English slang. What a shame. That shows he has been materialized and westernized. We do not want this kind of Malay leadership for our future generations.
2. Today, UMNO and her members have sealed their fates. We have 'Amin' the prayer ('Doa') made by Pak Lah on those people who have conspired to bring him down as UMNO President. Those people will have to live with this curse until they repent. Pak Lah is a nice guy and of high morality. He does not mind giving up the Presidency to this greedy lot. We shall see what the future have in store for these conspirators. Personally, we will not let them off scot free.
3. Consequently, there will be factions in UMNO and later, turmoil in the country. We saw their strategy in giving Khairy the Youth leadership so that they can blame him if UMNO cannot win the hearts of the young voters in the 13th GE which will cause the BN to lose the Federal Government, inshaAllah.
4. The new UMNO leadership line-up is not totally clean. They should have dropped Muhyiddin Yassin, Mohd Shafie Apdal, Musa Aman, Jamaluddin Jarjis, Mahadzir Khalid, Zulhasnan Rafique, Idris Jusoh, Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, Khairy Jamaluddin, just to name a few. So, Najib will have a very hard time in regaining the trust and support of the people to win back the 2/3 majority in the 13th GE with this team behind him. We are of the opinion that Najib can only last as PM until the 13th GE, inshaAllah.
5. So, coupled with the curse hanging above their heads and without a winning team, Najib better come out with some miraculous strategies to pull it off in the next GE. We will push very hard for the abolishment of the postal votes because BN has used them to win the last GE. We have received reports from the Armed Forces themselves. Without these postal votes, PR would have formed the Federal Government already.
The fate of UMNO has been sealed with the conclusion of this election results. All members that have made mistakes in their choices shall have to bear the consequences and live with it for the rest of their lives.
6. Lastly, we re-iterate that whoever upholds the Sovereignty of the Malay Rulers shall be blessed and shall be able to form a Government for Malaysia, be it BN or PR. If both uphold the Sovereignty of the Malay Rulers, then the more sincere of the two will prevail, inshaAllah. Period.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
1:03:00 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Be Careful Of What You Say !!!
Malaysia Today:
Posted by admin
Tuesday, 24 March 2009 17:32
But those who walked in the corridors of power resented Jesus and would not allow him freedom of speech. So they plotted to kill Jesus so that they could silence him. Freedom of speech was regarded as dangerous because the rakyat might start believing all those ‘lies’ from Jesus.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comments:
1. As we have mentioned before, Pekida has been tainted with deviant practices and gangsterism since its inception. We are definitely not them and not even close to their likes. We disapprove of all the wrong things that they are doing now. Our stand is very clear on ISA since we started this blog. So, whoever is not against the ISA is against us.
2. Although we have foresight on a May 13-like incident in future, we do not go around telling and instigating people about it. For the author's information, the root cause will not be Pekida. We will advise the public in due time.
3. Freedom of speech does not mean that we can say anything we like. It means that we must say the truth, enjoin good and forbid evil. Our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. has taught us that if we have nothing good to say, then it is better to keep quite. Other than that, we cannot use the excuse of freedom of speech, as defined by the West, to blurt our hearts' desires. We must be responsible of what we say. If not, people like Geert Wilders will go off scot free.
4. To proclaim that someone's blood is 'halal' is not our job. There are many factors to consider. The most important factor is whether this someone is against Islam or not. If this someone is without a doubt against Islam and wages war against Islam and/or Muslims, then only the religious authorities can proclaim that this someone's blood is 'halal'. Not any Dick, Tom and Harry can proclaim this very sensitive and heavy sentence. So, the author should limit himself from writing such things that can stifle religious tensions. We can take such examples in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan for that matter.
5. So, if anything bad befall the author, do not blame others but himself. We can understand his bitterness and vengeance at heart on UMNO. We really sympathize. But, this is not the way to get back to them. Let Allah s.w.t. decides their fates. Our duty is to be steadfast and patient. Then only victory will come, inshaAllah.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
12:05:00 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
We Are Pressing The Panic Button Now !!!!!!!!!
We would like to convey the following:
1. We are starting our final actions with immediate effect on Dr Mahathir Mohamad to the end. This is because he is traitorous to the Malay Rulers when he removed their original rights and powers as enshrined in the Constitution of Malaysia.
2. Then, our final actions will also be on his son Mukhriz because he is following his father’s footsteps. Then, our final actions will be on Muhyiddin Yassin, Shafie Apdal, Rafidah Aziz, and all the rest of Dr Mahathir’s cohorts in that order to the end.
3. We will not stop for even a second until the original rights and powers of the Malay Rulers have been fully restored. Period.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
12:12:00 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
Some Inaccuracies Need To Be Corrected
Malaysia Today:
Posted by admin
Monday, 16 March 2009 10:12
Yes, we speak out against the Sultans -- we, who defend the Monarchy from its enemies. But we speak not because we are treacherous. We speak because we love the Monarchy and wish to save it from itself.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comments:
1. The author wrote "However, in that same breath, Malays will say they are Malays first and all else second". Not all Malays are like that and we certainly are not like that.
2. The author wrote "And this is what makes the Malays most complicating animals". Do not denigrate the Malays, the Malay Rulers are Malays and we are also definitely Malays. Do not spit into one's own face.
3. Nizar is traitorous to the Sultan of Perak. So, anyone who supports Nizar to be traitorous to the Sultan of Perak is also traitorous to the Sultan of Perak. There is no two ways about it. The author needs to seek His Highness's forgiveness.
4. The author wrote "There are not many Monarchies left in this world. Even Australia wants to dispose of its Queen. About half the Monarchs live in Malaysia, which has ten". Do not equate the Malay Rulers with the other Monarchs of the World. They are not the same. The Malay Rulers are the Heads of Islam in their respective States. This is also same for Brunei and other similar Muslim countries. As we have said many times before, they are the Vicegerents of Allah s.w.t. on this Earth, however fallible they may be.
5. We greatly appreciate the author's love and loyalty for the Malay Rulers and for his efforts to safeguard their positions since 20 years ago. However, it is improper for the author, mind you we are only talking about the author, to criticize the Malay Rulers openly. There is a better and wiser way to do that. Furthermore, although we had no choice and we were not ready 20 years ago, the author should not have attached any strings when safeguarding the Malay Rulers. We demand sincere loyalty always, as shown and proven by Hang Tuah.
6. Well, our simplified version of Hang Tuah's predicament of old is like this. The episode of Hang Tuah being sentenced to death by the Sultan of Malacca was already destined as something that the later generations would be able to learn from. It was also a test for all and sundry at that time.
Hang Tuah is a loyal and sincere follower of the Sultan of Malacca. Even at the time of losing his life, he was still loyal and sincere. He loves his Sultan more than his life. During his and his friends learning with Mahaguru Adi Putra, they were told of this coming incident already. So, Hang Jebat already knew that one day he would be traitorous. Nothing in this world could have changed his fate. That is the true foresight of the Mahaguru. It was also a test for the five of them, being pupils of the Mahaguru.
The Taming Sari Keris is no ordinary keris. It has been destined with 'Sakti' to protect the Sultan and his family. Whoever carries it will be invincible, in so far as to protect the life of the Sultan and his family. However, when Hang Jebat had it, he became traitorous to the Sultan and this had caused him to ran amok, not because of himself so much but because of the Keris. Anyone who unsheathe the Keris without permission from its rightful owner/bearer/keeper or is not the rightful person who can unsheathe it, he will definitely ran amok. This is even more so if this person is traitorous to the Sultan. Nowadays, if anyone does not believe in this fact, try and unsheathe the Keris and see for yourself.
So, it not a matter of who is(are) the hero(es) and villain(s) in this episode. It is about the genuine truth, love, loyalty and wisdom.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
12:31:00 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Beware of RPK's Writings On Islam - Final Warning !!!!!!!!!
Malaysia Today:
Posted by admin
Sunday, 08 March 2009 15:05
The concept of freedom of opinion as applied by the Prophet is mentioned in various verses of the Quran revealed in both Mekah and Medina. The total freedom of opinion and speech is a principle that was guaranteed by Islam since the beginning of the revelation.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Link: Click here for more details.........
Posted by admin
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 09:43
Today, I want to talk about these three news items from The Star. I admit I have already elaborated on these issues in great detail in the past. For all intents and purposes, I am merely repeating myself. But it appears they are still harping on these issues so I have no choice but to continue flogging what I view as a dead horse.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comment:
1. In the first article above, we would like to draw the people’s attention to the confusing nature of the author about Islam, as he has done so many times before. In this article he is portraying Islam from his confused perception and perspective of Islam. To make it worst, he has quoted Ahmad Mansour who is a Quranist. This shows that the author does not care from where he takes his sources as long as it fits into his line of argument.
2. Does the author really know who is Ahmed Mansour? Read about him here. The author tells us that he is well-versed in the ‘Aqidah’ of Islam but in fact he falls short of that. To give just one simple example, if he can quote Ahmad Mansour who rejects the ‘Sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w.’, then this affects the ‘Aqidah’. Islam says whoever does not accept the authentic ‘Sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w.’ knowingly and willingly, then this person is no longer a Muslim. Read here to safeguard our ‘Aqidah’.
3. Does the author know that the Holy Quran is the ‘words of Allah s.w.t.’? We know and believe that Allah s.w.t. was alone before anything was created in all existence. Simple logic will tell us that the Holy Quran must be with Allah s.w.t. even before anything was created in all existence.
4. With just the above arguments, we do not have to dwell with the other points raised in the first article. With just this one point alone, we are able to discredit the author and also his source of reference. Even more so, the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah does not accept the Quranists. The Malaysia Waves website is all mum about this.
5. In his second article, he still wants to confuse people by arguing that it is alright to accept the Quranists by spinning the truth. He quotes a number of ‘Hadith’ to prove his point. He does not know or pretend not to know that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. forbade the writing of his Sunnah so that it would not be confused with the Holy Quran. The Prophet s.a.w. did not forbid to accept and follow his Sunnah. So, we are asking the author, are you a Quranist? Are you the supporter of the Quranists? Do you have anti-Hadith friends who influence you to write such confusing articles? Or do you like to create confusion with the notion of drawing attention to your writings? Or is it just plain ignorance about Islam? Or worst still, are you trying to show off? Do not use Islam for your own selfish needs. The author is only good in conventional politics and should stick and limit himself to it.
6. Well, if only just one yes answer to the above questions that would make this author really look bad. So, we recommend the Government to closely monitor the author’s writings, or anyone for that matter, about Islam and if they confuse the people again, charge them in the Syariah Court until kingdom come. In this way, we are able to avoid many confusions about Islam perpetrated by this kind of authors. Warning !!! Do not use ISA on these authors. We are against ISA to the bones because it is unIslamic.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
11:35:00 AM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
We Condemn The Traitorous Kedah State Exco To The Bones !!!!!!!!!
We would like to convey the following:
1. We strongly condemn to the bones the Kedah State Exco who has called for the death of the DYMM Sultan of Kedah. We have confirmed this allegation towards the Exco to be true. He is a PAS member.
2. We also condemn to the bones all those who are with him and are traitorous towards the Sultan of Kedah. This is an outright insult and treason of the highest order towards the Sultan of Kedah.
3. As we have said before, not all political party members are truthful and just. This Exco has committed a very big offence and sin. So, unless PAS takes the necessary remedial actions, the wrath of Allah s.w.t. shall befall this Exco and all those who are with him soon, inshaAllah.
4. We recommend that this Exco’s title be revoked and he be banished from the state of Kedah once he is convicted by the courts.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
10:38:00 AM
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Lame Arguments, Raja Petra !!!
Malaysia Today:
Posted by admin
Monday, 02 March 2009 10:21
Okay, but what about the other 99 names of Allah? Should not non-Muslims also be banned from using these words as well? If the Allah word has been prohibited, then the remaining 99 names should be equally prohibited.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Link: Click here for more details.........
Our Comment:
1. We don't need the Home Minister to answer Raja Petra's questions. A typical Muslim with a good Islamic education up until Form 5 should be able to refute Raja Petra's arguments. If they can’t, they better study harder.
2. First argument, although Allah s.w.t. has 99 names, only one name is being used in the 'Kalimah Shahadah'. So, this name is central to the Islamic faith. All other names of Allah s.w.t. describe His attributes.
3. Second argument, the Christians are claiming to use only the word "Allah". They are not claiming to use the other names of "Allah". So, as far as the other names of Allah s.w.t. are concerned, it is a non-issue.
4. Third argument, Raja Petra claims that the Bible uses the word "Allah". So, the theme of the dispute is only the word "Allah". Do you think the Christians are interested in the other names of Allah s.w.t.? No, we bet that they don’t even want to hear them. So, do not confuse the issue.
5. Fourth argument, the bad Christians want to confuse the ignorant and liberal Muslims into thinking and believing that whether they have faith in "Allah" as believed by Muslims or Christians, it does not matter as long as they believe in the same God. They will say that it is the same since in the olden days the Christians also believe in "Allah" until now.
6. So, from these arguments we can see that Raja Petra's arguments do not hold water. If he really cares about the faith of the Muslims and willing to protect its purity, then he should not go around confusing people with his writings especially on faith because with just one wrong move it can mean between being a Muslim or an apostate.
7. We commend the Government for taking crucial steps in stemming out this dangerous trend to 'liberalize' Islam in our beloved Malaysia.
Best Regards.........
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
12:23:00 AM