We would like to convey the following:
1. We strongly condemn to the bones all those who have plotted, conspired and caused the political debacle in Perak.
2. We also condemn to the bones all those who are traitorous towards the Sultan Of Perak and our families.
3. Even if BN plotted, conspired and effected the downfall of the Pakatan Rakyat government by first decoying the ADUN of Bota to defect to serve as a trigger point and then bribed the 3 Pakatan Rakyat ADUNs to support them, the Pakatan Rakyat and their supporters should not have been treacherous towards the Sultan Of Perak. The Sultan Of Perak is taking the right actions being just and responsible towards his subjects based on the physical evidences that was presented to him. They should resolve it amicably.
4. Now, it is already too late because they have overstepped the line. Their true colors have been revealed. This debacle is a test for Pakatan Rakyat and it has failed. They are not ready yet to be the aspiration of the Malay Rulers and the people of Malaysia who want peace and stability in the country.
5. So, we recommend that all the Muslims who are involved in this treachery to repent because they are not only being traitorous to Allah s.w.t. but also to the Sultan Of Perak. The Sultan Of Perak is Allah s.w.t.'s Vicegerent in Perak as he is the Head Of Islam in his State. As for the non-Muslims, they have to redeem themselves as they are traitorous to the King and Country as spelled out in the 'Rukun Negara - Taat Kepada Raja Dan Negara' (Pillars Of State - Obedience To The King And State). Or else, the wrath of Allah s.w.t. shall befall on them soon, inshaAllah.
6. As for Karpal Singh, Mohd Nizar and the likes, we recommend that the Sultan Of Perak revoke all their honorary titles and ban them from entering Perak until such time that they have turned a new leaf, if they do not make a public apology within 48 hours.
7. As for the corrupted and treacherous BN people and the Independents, leave them to us so that we can teach them a lesson they will not forget, inshaAllah.
Best Regards.........
Saturday, February 7, 2009
We Strongly Condemn To The Bones All The People's Treacherous Acts
Posted by
Bukit Chandan
1:53:00 PM
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"So, we recommend that all the Muslims who are involved in this treachery to repent because they are not only being traitorous to Allah s.w.t. but also to the Sultan Of Perak."
Dey bodoh, nak cakap omputeh tapi maksud sendiri tak faham. kalau not only to Allah but also to the Sultan meletakkan Sultan lebih mulia dari Allah,,,subhanallah
Let us explain.
If anyone is traitorous to the Sultan Of Perak, it means that he/she is also traitorous to Allah s.w.t. because the Sultan Of Perak is the Head Of Islam in his State.
We know you and your likes are the ones condemning even the Mufti Of Perak. The Mufti is with us and whoever condemns him, we also condemn them to the bones. If there are a million people like you, we are not afraid and we will not stand down forever.
Look at Tuan Guru Nik Aziz. He did not even criticise the Mufti Of Perak. They are both 'ulamak'. So, can you be like the Tuan Guru?
Are you clear now? Or, maybe you should get someone to translate this for you? Who is stupid now?
The reason we write in English is that we want the whole World to know the truth and nothing else but the truth.
dear bodoh,
teman tegur bahasa kome. nak cakap omputeh sampai satu dunia tau pun biar le bahasanye betul. perkataan tu membawa maksud dalam bahasa omputeh sultan lebih mulia dari Allah. Kalau dah dungu tu jangan le sombong pulak.
Kome kelian
please ensure that you have A GOOD grasp of the english language before making stupid statements under my name, Beta rasa malu teramat sangat dengan kelemahan bahasa yang terdapat di blogsite ini.
La hawla wala quwata illa billahil 'aliyil 'adzim.
We are right and you are wrong. Do not provoke us. We condemn you to the bones for impersonating the Royalty.
Bukit Chandan said: "We are right and you are wrong. Do not provoke us. We condemn you to the bones for impersonating the Royalty."
jangan nak bongkak la wahai manusia.
kau raja ke vip ke,pangkat2 kau tu akan masuk kubur jugak dan xda nilai pun d sisi Allah.
boleh x suruh Tok Mufti Perak bagi keluar fatwa berkenaan Lion Club dan Rotary Club yang dinaungi Sultan Perak?
Ulamak Azhar dan Ulamak Indonesia dah Fatwa Haram. melibatkan diri dengan Pertubuhan2 Freemason ni menyalahi Aqidah.
so, macammn? sila jelaskan kt umat Islam di Malaysia. Halal ke tak terlibat dgn Lion Club dan Rotary Club ni.
kalau tak, maka berterusanlah orang akan menganggap Sultan Perak melanggar Syariat dan Aqidah Islam.
La hawla wala quwata illa billahil 'aliyil 'adzim.
We leave you (Anonymous) and your likes to Allah s.w.t. due to your ignorance, fanaticism and arrogance. Only Allah s.w.t. can give you guidance. We are just delivering the message of Islam. Period.
Allah will save me. take care of urself from api neraka & good bye. Invisible Guardian of Penaung Freemason!!
boleh blah la ngko
Dear zura,
According to Islam, if a person accuses someone of hypocrisy or apostasy and it is false, then the accusation will come back to that person.
So, we strongly advise all Muslims not to get involved in these kinds of accusations among Muslims and leave these issues to the religious authorities, unless you are a 'Mujtahid'. Check out our blog on this issue.
In the meantime, stay focus and be obedient. Don't do anything foolish.
Best Regards.........
Kesian orang kat istana Bukit Belacan. Kamu hidup di istana bermewah mewah dengan wang rakyat, sedangkan begitu ramai orang lain hidup menderita. Kamu jawablah di hadapan Allah kelak.
Darah dan daging kamu sama seperti kami juga tapi mungkin tahi kamu lebih wangi sikit sebab kamu makan makanan berkhasiat.
Jangan berbangga dengan jenama Islam palsu dan pura pura, Islam Hadhari. Agama yang diredhai di sisi Allah ialah Islam, tanpa hadhari.
Di dunia bolehlah berlagak konon kamu tu benar. Di alam barzah kelak kamu tahulah nasib diri. Bertaubatlah sebelum terlambat.
La hawla wala quwata illa billahil 'aliyil 'adzim.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin.
1. This shows that you have not read our blog thoroughly. We recommend you do it now.
2. We do not denigrate and insult people like you do. This is the type of character you and your likes possess. Rasulullah s.a.w. has been sent by Allah s.w.t. to complete good, esteemed and magnificent morality. The way you write does not portray that you are following the teachings of Rasulullah s.a.w. Normally, what is inside the heart will come out in the form of actions.
3. We are against the use of the phrase ‘Islam Hadhari’. Refer to our blog for more details.
4. We are against ISA. Refer to our blog for more details.
5. We are against corruption. Refer to our blog for more details.
6. We are non-partisan. We strive to promote peace and justice wherever we are, be it in Malaysia or the World, especially Palestine. As we speak, we are involved in ‘Da’wah’ work with our friends in the US.
7. We are not fanatics. We will not follow anyone or any party blindly. We always strive for excellence since we know that we are not perfect. That is why we always introspect, repent and learn continuously to achieve wisdom until the end. We do not live under the coconut shell because we strive to be open-minded and critical.
8. We know that you are a PAS follower. Not all people who are involved in political parties are righteous and just.
9. So, we recommend again that you read our blog completely before you make your own assessment and conclusion about us. Then only you can be fair and just towards us and towards yourself.
Best Regards………
teman tak faham ape yang mike tulis ni. mike ni mewakili sape?
kalau mike kaum kerabat, teman rase mike ni tukang angkat talam raje, betui ke?
If you want to know us, e-mail us at After your introduction, we'll let you know who we are. Our leader is one of the people who can hold and unsheathe the Taming Sari keris. In fact, he has a number of smaller Taming Sari keris with him.
We'll be happy if you are our family. Do contact us.
Best Regards.........
aku ada simpan parang panjang hang jebat. ha, amacam. jangan berlagak walaupun kau vip mana ntah. satu hari kau tetap mati dan di masukkan ke dalam tanah jua
This shows that you are not our family.
We are learning knowledge and doing preparation to face even a nuclear bomb threat and you are talking about 'parang'. Grow up.
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